Modern Mrs Darcy Reading Challenge 2017 (fertig!)

Hier gibt es mehr Informationen.

The 2017 Reading Challenge: Reading for Growth
by Modern Mrs Darcy

a Newbery Award winner or Honor book
Katherine Applegate - Der unvergleichliche Ivan
a book in translation
Nadia Hashimi - Hinter dem Regenbogen
a book that’s more than 600 pages
Karl Pilny - Japan Inc.
a book of poetry, a play, or an essay collection

ZiG - Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik 1/2016
a book of any genre that addresses current events
Jonas Lüscher - Kraft
an immigrant story
Urs Mannhart - Bergsteigen im Flachland
a book published before you were born
J.R.R. Tolkien - Der Hobbit
three books by the same author
Gottfried Keller: Kleider machen Leute, Der Schmied seines Glücks, Spiegel das Kätzchen
a book by an #ownvoices or #diversebooks author
Malaika Wa Azania - Born Free
a book with an unreliable narrator or ambiguous ending

Harper Lee - Wer die Nachtigall stört
a book nominated for an award in 2017
Gerhard Falkner - Romeo oder Julia
a Pulitzer Prize or National Book Award winner
Robert Menasse - Die Hauptstadt

The 2017 Reading Challenge: Reading for Fun
by Modern Mrs Darcy

a book you chose for the cover
Tim Akers - Das Herz von Veridon
a book with a reputation for being un-put-down-able
Koushun Takami - Battle Royale
a book set somewhere you’ve never been but would like to visit
Wlada Kolosowa - Russland to go
a book you’ve already read

Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland
a juicy memoir
Marianne Zückler - Osteuropaexpress
a book about books or reading
Hans Blumenberg - Schriften zur Literatur
a book in a genre you usually avoid
Iris Chang - The Rape of Nanking
a book you don’t want to admit you’re dying to read
KJ Charles - Begegnung um Mitternacht
a book in the backlist of a new favorite author

Jussi Adler-Olsen - Erwartung
a book recommended by someone with great taste
Robert Shea & Robert A. Wilson - Illuminatus 2: Der goldene Apfel
a book you were excited to buy or borrow but haven’t read yet
Lin Yutang - Peking: Augenblick und Ewigkeit
a book about a topic or subject you already love
Eoin Colfer - Und übrigens noch was...


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